YDL at Leeds

For those athletes selected to represent the Club at the first round in Leeds please see the attached directions to get to the venue. There is also a coach leaving the Cumberland to travel to South Leeds and any athletes/parents wishing to book a place, plese see Wendy.

Youth Development League 2013

The Club opened its season in the YDL with an Upper Age Group competition in Division 1. Our athletes travelled to Wrexham to compete against Team North Wales, Trafford, Wigan, Blackpool and Blackburn. Our U17's and U20's did really well ending up in 3rd position with a very respectable points…

Distance at Liverpool

Distance at Liverpool

  Our runners were out competing at Liverpool over the weekend in cold, wet and very windy at conditions at Wavertree, Liverpool on Saturday. Well done to Josh Betterley for his win in the U15B 1500m in a time of 4:45.8. Freya Taylor-Hatswell, though badly baulked at the start of her…

2013 UK Sportshall Final

2013 UK Sportshall Final

  A number of our athletes from the Club represented the North West at the LG Arena Birmingham at the UK Sportshall Finals. The North West team did extremely well to be able to compete at this level. The under 15 boys came a credible 4th with Jason Bennett, Dean and Harry…